What is manifestation? Manifestation is the idea that you can bring a positive outcome into your life by simply “claiming” it as your own and believing it will happen.
“I tell you this: Whoever believes in me will do the same things that I have been doing. Yes, he will do even greater things than these, because I will go to my Father. Ask me to help you. If you ask anything in my name, I will do it for you. In that way, the Son will show everyone how great the Father is. Yes, you should ask me for anything in my name. I will do it for you.’ Jesus then said, ‘If you love me, do what I have told you to do. Those people who obey my commands are the ones who really love me. They accept my words and they do what I say. My Father will love everyone who loves me. I also will love them and I will show myself to them.’”
John 14:12-15, 21 EASY
God will not move except in an atmosphere of faith:
In the atmosphere of faith, miracles takes place. In the atmosphere of faith, it is knowing and believing that the Lord will help you, He will do it for you! You must have faith to know that He will do what He says. Faith is hoping for something that you have yet to see. You can’t see tomorrow but yet you trust God to wake you up the next day.
God will not move or manifest, except in an atmosphere of prayer:
In the atmosphere of prayer, when you ask His name, you trust Him to hear you. He wants us to ask Him anything in His name. “Father God, I believe that I am already healed. In Jesus Name”! And just like that I believe it to be so because I’ve prayed about it and I trust Him to move in the atmosphere on my behalf.
God will not move or manifest, except in an atmosphere of love and obedience:
When you love God, He will love you and come and manifest Himself to you. Love moves God. Those people who obey my commands are the ones who really love me. They accept my words and they do what I say. My Father will love everyone who loves me.
Remember the power of manifestation moves in the atmosphere of faith, prayer, love, and obedience. Are you ready to tap into the power of manifestation?
I pray that the manifestations of God in you will leave others with no doubt that God is real. I pray that your mind is focused on the Lord as He dwells in your spirit. May your prayers be answered, faith be stronger, and love be shown as the power of manifestation rests upon your spirit.
Grace & Peace,
Mrs. Angie Reames