Stop lending your ear to fools, and stop listening to their rambling nonsense. Why do you permit yourself to be around complainers and negative people who are always coming up with one complaint after another with no valid reason at all? If you allow them to rent space in your head for long then you will start to take on their character. This is why when the nation of Israel would conquer an enemy, God would tell them to kill everything that was in the enemy’s camp. The reason that God wanted the enemy completely demolished was because he was protecting his people from being assimilated into the culture, character, and ultimately the idolatrous beliefs of the enemy.
Remember you become what you hang around, so hanging around a fool or someone who is negative all the time, will eventually make you become what? You guessed it right, a fool or a negative person.
So here’s the solution, in the words of Sammie D. Simmons, “Change the people you’re around or CHANGE THE PEOPLE YOU’RE AROUND!!!”
“Don’t waste your breath on fools, for they will despise the wisest advice.” Proverbs 23:9
~ Pastor Walter Robertson, III