Teachers stand before students daily and facilitate an interactive learning process where they seek to engage the students in the learning process. They clearly state the objective, check for understanding, and engage the student through content knowledge utilizing the “I do, we do, you do method.” But an effective teacher has a powerful tool in their arsenal that I left out called assessments. An assessment can be as simple as clarifying questions or as formal as a standardized test.
The purpose of the assessment is to determine if you have mastered the content from the lesson. Paul said in 2 Timothy 2:15, “15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” In other words pay attention to the lesson, and review the content of life that’s explained in the bible. Why? Because the assessments of trials and tribulations will be administered by life in order to gauge your level mastery of the content.
Were you attentive? Did you study effectively? It will all be measured by life and I pray that you outperform the average. However, be mindful that if you find yourself struggling, the teacher, the Holy Spirit is always there to review and help you along the path to mastery.
Written By:
Pastor Walter Robertson, III