Have you ever had a situation seem insurmountable? Have you ever been overwhelmed? Have you ever been in a situation that was so big that you felt getting out was impossible? How did it get so big?
The warriors of Israel were defeated by Goliath because they approached him with fear and trembling instead of with faith. You see fear will make the things that you are up against seem bigger than what they appear to be, thus making them seem insurmountable, overwhelming, and impossible to overcome.
David did not make the same mistake with Goliath as the others did because David approached him with the right mindset. David spent time alone with God out in the open pasture and realized that the God of the universe has to be bigger than the universe that he created. So David stood in awe and worshipped the Lord knowing that with the help of the Lord he had the strength to defeat anything or anybody. So when the lion attacked, David did not respond in fear, when the bear attacked, David did not respond in fear, he responded in faith and his “Giants Fell.” Those things that others felt could not be defeated fell at the hands of David.
So what did David do that we often fail to do? He spent time alone in worship and grew his faith bigger than his fear. So when it seemed as if big trouble was before him, his faith, hope, trust, and total reliance upon God grew within, and not his own strength. David responded 1 Samuel 17: “… for the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give you into our hands.”
In other words David looked at the problem and spoke to it as small, not big. I can hear the voice of Dr. Jasmin Spurlock in my head as I think about David’s approach, she said, “GIANTS DO FALL.”
So child of God be encouraged in the midst of what you are going through, speak to it in faith and make your God bigger than that giant of a problem. Always remember when you approach any problem in faith that, ‘GIANTS DO FALL!”
~ Pastor Walter Robertson, III